PicOS-V: Free Test Drive for Pica8’s PicOS Switching Software
Mani Subramanian
6 1 月, 2022

Are you waiting on switching hardware? Here’s your opportunity to test drive Pica8’s PicOS Switching Software today.
If you are used to Cisco or Juniper CLIs, or Linux, you will find Pica8 very easy to use.
PicOS-V is a free Virtual Machine (VM) from Pica8 that can help you get familiar with PicOS Software Switches. PicOS-V is used for validating configuration of PicOS at your own pace with no cost. Without the need of a bare-metal switch or specialized hardware, PicOS-V runs on VMware, VirtualBox and GNS3 hypervisors.
Available today, PicOS-V simulates a PicOS software switch running on hardware with 48 10G ports and 4 100G ports.
Unlike PicOS, PicOS-V is not meant to run on production switches or carry production data traffic. So while you are waiting for your hardware, take a test drive to check out Pica8’s CLI for your enterprise campus, data center and distributed site use cases.
Quick Start Steps
You will be able to get PicOS-V up and running quickly. Once you import the VM into the hypervisor, from the VM console, log into PicOS-V and you are ready for a test drive.
Configure the Ethernet management port eth0 with a static IP address as show below:
admin@Xorplus> configure
Entering configuration mode.
There are no other users in configuration mode.
admin@Xorplus# set system management-ethernet eth0 ip-address IPv4 “”
admin@Xorplus# set system management-ethernet eth0 ip-gateway IPv4
admin@Xorplus# set system hostname PicOS-V
admin@Xorplus# commit
Commit OK.
Save done.
After configuring the ethernet management interface using the console, you will be able to SSH to the PicOS-V VM and start using it. You are not required to install any software license for PicOS-V.
You can then explore further using the PicOS Routing and Switching Configuration Guide as a resource.
Please contact us today to test drive PicOS-V.
Mani Subramanian is Senior Technical Marketing Manager for Pica8
- Category: Uncategorized
- Tag: PicOS