Pica8 Is Participating In Tech Field Day, Hosted By Gestalt IT Media

Pica8 will be participating in Networking Field Day, part of the Tech Field Day conference series organized by Gestalt IT Media LLC. The series is intended to bring together vendors and independent bloggers, freelance writers, speakers, and influencers in online communities to participate in an active demonstration forum for technology products important in the open marketplace today.
We are excited to be involved on location in Santa Clara to one of the first in-person events to be hosted since the beginning of the pandemic.
Other participating vendors include Juniper Networks, Itential, IP Fabric, Network to Code, Forward Networks, ZeroTier, and ZPE Systems.
Pica8 will be concluding the series, presenting on the final day of the conference: January 28.
Pica8 Founder James Liao will be personally presenting highlights of the Pica8 Networking Software Suite, which includes the AmpCon Network Controller and the PicOS Software Switch.
When installed on any common bare metal hardware, the Pica8 solution is an effective answer to the question of how to maximize administration power in your network. Switch deployment, management and orchestration is accomplished through a simple graphical user interface that is easily automated. Common networking tasks that can sometimes take hours or days are now a single button push that can be scheduled at your convenience.
In addition, Pica8’s easy single-term licensing can be the answer to simplifying your network cost structure. Pica8 provides a flat fee product with a buy once / run anywhere model, regardless of performance or throughput.
Visit www.pica8.com to learn more about the Pica8 networking software solution.
For complete information about Gestalt IT Media’s Tech Field Day series, visit: https://techfieldday.com/event/nfd27/