Pica8 Is A ‘Leader’ Amongst NOS Vendors: GigaOm

Published for the first time last year, GigaOm Radar for Network Operating Systems (2021) evaluated 19 different commercial and network operating systems. Six suppliers were included in the leader’s ring, eight in the challenger’s ring, and five in the new entrant’s ring. This year, however, they evaluated 21 vendors offering 25 network operating systems and have divided the scope into three reports based on the target market.
In this year’s report, Pica8 was chosen as one of the vendors in the market ‘Leader’ circle for Network Operating Systems: Enterprise and SMB. The other vendors in the Leader’s Circle included: IP Infusion, Noviflow, NVIDIA and Pluribus.
The report is a comprehensive outline of all the key players in the industry, broken down into core market competencies, maturity in the space, customer segmentation and the like. The GigaOm Radar weighs each vendor’s execution, roadmap, and ability to innovate in an easy to evaluate graphical format, with supporting analysis. The closer to a center a solution sits, the better it’s execution and value, with top performers occupying the inner Leader’s Circle.
The GigaOm Radar offers a forward-looking assessment, plotting the current and projected position of each solution over a 12-18 month window.
Pica8 is pleased and proud to be included with such a prestigious grouping of software vendors as market innovators.
For more information on the report: https://research.gigaom.com/report/gigaom-radar-for-network-operating-systems-network-service-providers/