Pica8 EVPN-VXLAN Test and Evaluation Guide
Pica8 Marketing
16 6 月, 2022

Pica8 Senior Sales Engineer Neal Trieber has recently published the Pica8 EVPN-VXLAN Test And Evaluation Guide, available now from the Pica8.com website. This guide will be useful to anyone currently evaluating whether a Pica8 software solution might work for their use case. EVPN-VXLAN provides enterprises a common framework for managing campus and datacenter networks, and the Pica8 Software Suite, consisting of the AmpCon Network Controller and the PicOS Software Switch, can be an easy turnkey networking solution for enterprises of any size to deploy and manage virtually an unlimited number of devices. Feature rich and built with open networking methodologies, Pica8 products are designed for easy management, ownership, and administration. The deployment guide is comprehensive, with testing methodology notes, use case scenarios and configuration notes.
Click the link on the graphic above to download the evaluation guide.
PicaNotes: Additional Deployment Guides
Pica8 Zero Touch Provisioning With AmpCon: https://www.pica8.com/wp-content/uploads/Pica8-Deployment-Guide-AmpCon-Zero-Touch-Provisioning.pdf
Pica8 PicOS-V Virtual Switch User Guide: https://www.pica8.com/wp-content/uploads/Pica8-Pic0S-V-UserGuide.pdf
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